A Joint Project with Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy

In 2013, La Piana Consulting joined Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy (EPIP) to explore how emerging trends are changing how we “do good” and in what ways the social sector must adapt to meet these 21st Century challenges and opportunities.

We launched this project at the EPIP National Conference in Chicago, co-hosting a workshop session and conducting video interviews to surface examples of individuals, organizations, and networks are proving their ability to succeed in the new reality. Our shared goal is to inspire open dialogue and bold action about how nonprofits and philanthropies can begin to think differently and work differently to lead social change.

Conversation Starter on Doing Good in the 21st Century – An introduction to a joint project with Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy to explore what the sector will need to succeed

Doing Good in the 21st Century: Voices from the Field – A follow-up report and analysis, complementing the Doing Good in the 21st Century video series
(Note: This file contains embedded video.  For best results open and view with Adobe Reader 9 or later. Earlier versions of Adobe Reader will allow for reading the document but not video playback.)

Doing Good in the 21st Century: Video Series Highlights from our video interviews by theme, including: New RealitiesSector BlurDiversity and PowerGenerational ShiftTechnologyBusiness Models, and Philanthropy’s Role.

Be part of the conversation and share your stories, examples, or comments on our blog.

This research was made possible with support from the Blue Shield of California Foundation.